Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breast Feeding To Man In Public


Two awards within a very short time, 2 people thought of me and to my blog.
It gives me great pleasure to know and what we have found that place both appreciated and inspiring. Follow a blog post works with the various references to be run involves a commitment that sometimes it becomes very difficult to sustain, especially at a time like this where the physical and psychological involvement is high.

I must say that I really like his work with their continuous contamination whereas ranging d to scrap cross-stitch through stamping.

And here is the prize rules:
- thank those who have deigned to award this
- write a post about the prize
- increased to 12 bloggers who feel worthy, putting the links of those blogs
- notify winners

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This one comes instead from Manu mother, whom I admire for his scrap romantic and delicate natural colors and stamped with a number of .
The rules provide that the premium you must post with the link of who has given you and turn it to 5 favorite blogs, blogs are supposed to be little known (with no more than 300 readers) because the aim is to raise awareness of the many small but beautiful existing blogs around the net, then everyone obviously does what he believes!
Finally, we must warn those who have been "tagged."

More than a ceremony, mine is a public recognition to some blogs I read and pleasing to the people who manage them for their work are an inspiration but also for their humility and simplicity.

Scraptutorial (girls but you have closed? Do not write more?)

Giuliedda His humor, friendliness, vitality and love for life shine through the words of her blog and her beautiful creations

Obviously I read only these, but if I were to mention them all would spend my days in PC.


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